is a natural and mostly undocumented phoneme that takes place every time a new Employee attempts to join an existing worker clan. First attempts are often met with the characteristic Surikata Who the F$##k is this? Stance that can be observed in figure A.
Although this may at first be seen as hostile behavior, this stance will only indicate that a high level of awareness has been met by all the workers in the colony. Scientists believe that this works as self defense mechanism brought on by fear of replacement by a younger element. Stance (A) will normally precede the sniffing of the new wanna be member's attributes and competences. Where did you go to? Who have you worked for? Why did you leave? Do you have some gum? and most importantly Who do you work for???
This is a crucial period of the acceptance process as it will determine future alliances and interactions within the group. If all goes well; the member keeps to his own parking spot, curses the rival soccer club and goes to lunch when he is told, he will be granted a preliminary level of acceptance and female workers will be allowed to interact with him.
While within the group the newest member may now feel some level of comfort, he will notice that rival groups inhabiting the same general area are still prone to stance figure (A). This behavior is still undocumented and further study is needed.
This is David-at-the-bureau reporting for Untouchable Moments. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode.
psst -Will get back to you when more data has been recorded and interpreted or employee devoured and fired :D
psst2 - thanks to Biologist Vinny for consults rendered and for correcting my stupid claim that these little critters are called Suri-malcatas. Thanks bubba :P
psst3 - and yes vinny, i know know the malcata is an animal by itself but I have a wee little brain and I get confused ;P
psst4 - ahah I'm proud of the level of stupidity I exhibit loll
Although this may at first be seen as hostile behavior, this stance will only indicate that a high level of awareness has been met by all the workers in the colony. Scientists believe that this works as self defense mechanism brought on by fear of replacement by a younger element. Stance (A) will normally precede the sniffing of the new wanna be member's attributes and competences. Where did you go to? Who have you worked for? Why did you leave? Do you have some gum? and most importantly Who do you work for???
This is a crucial period of the acceptance process as it will determine future alliances and interactions within the group. If all goes well; the member keeps to his own parking spot, curses the rival soccer club and goes to lunch when he is told, he will be granted a preliminary level of acceptance and female workers will be allowed to interact with him.
While within the group the newest member may now feel some level of comfort, he will notice that rival groups inhabiting the same general area are still prone to stance figure (A). This behavior is still undocumented and further study is needed.
This is David-at-the-bureau reporting for Untouchable Moments. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode.
psst -Will get back to you when more data has been recorded and interpreted or employee devoured and fired :D
psst2 - thanks to Biologist Vinny for consults rendered and for correcting my stupid claim that these little critters are called Suri-malcatas. Thanks bubba :P
psst3 - and yes vinny, i know know the malcata is an animal by itself but I have a wee little brain and I get confused ;P
psst4 - ahah I'm proud of the level of stupidity I exhibit loll
6 comentários:
este post é compreensivel e no entanto estranho e enigmatico. no entanto, adoro suricatas =D as tuas do work tao so a proteger territorio, tens k fingir k és um suricata tb para te deixarem aproximar =P
[finalmente te vejo]
:D estranho parece-me bem, mas que parte te pareceu enigmática? Eu também gosto muito de suricatas, they the best e ia dizer que matam cobras, mas afinal só dão o aviso (mas é importante na mesma) lol
E já estou a fazer o papel de suricata. já vesti a pele e agora é só misturar-me um pouco e falar suricatanês que é enfadonho mas tem que ser :S **
Se já vestiste o papel de suricata e até já falas suricatanês, então só resta quem são as cobras... lol
tinha ideia que tinha deixado um comment mas nao sabendo se o fiz ou nao, agora ja nao sei o k te respondi e n me apetece pensar. portanto digo que quero ainda saber da historia da tua visita ao estranja. =P sim, sim, boa memoria =)
Ai mas isto agora é em english?
Hum .. I would say that Suricatas are suspicious and are always on the lookout ...
They analyze the person, see if she has similar characteristics and interests!
And if the answer to all this questions, is yes: welcome to the group! :) then you can be at ease! :)
Are very similar to prairie dogs :) (and another comparison!)... hihihi
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